Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Web Assessment Best Practices

Often businesses create a website and then think their work is done. But website creation is just the beginning; for a website to be effective, it must be used as a tool to engage the user, and convert a user to a customer. For a website to be engaging, six best practices must be observed.

Original Content Creation

Relevant, original website content is arguably the most important aspect of any website. Google says to "provide high-quality content on your pages, especially your homepage. This is the single most important thing to do." If you aren't offering your audience exclusive, helpful information, why would they want to come to your site? Original content can be delivered via a blog, examples of services, or company news.

Additionally, stagnant information on a page hurts your search engine ranking. Regular content and information updates should be part of your overall SEO strategy to help your organic ranking.

Enabled Social Networking

Making your website social networking enabled is also important. It's hard to find someone these days who is not using any kind of social media. Take advantage of your users' social media contacts by creating interesting, original content (like we discussed above) that is easily sharable. After a blog post, make sure to have a call to action that involves social media, like a button that says "share on Facebook" or "tweet this."

Ongoing Social Network Engagement

Not only should you encourage your users to share your content online, but you should also have a social media presence. In business, you are your own best advocate. Whether or not you are talking about your business on social media, someone else probably is - and it may not always be good. Be a part of the conversation about your business online. There are so many advantages to having a social presence on sites like Facebook. Depending on how you manage it, a business Facebook page can give your customers a chance to see your company's personality, interact with you on a more personal level, and share any of your information or stories with any of their friends, which dramatically increases your potential reach.

Accumulating "likes" on a business Facebook page is the equivalent to conducting market demographic research. The data on a user's page can be used to better target your ads and content.

Ongoing Search Engine Optimization

Search engine optimization (SEO) for your website is crucial. SEO is how you make sure that your business is found by potential customers online when using a search engine like Yahoo! or Google. By carefully choosing keywords, backlinks, and other attributes that increase your site's natural ranking on a search result page, you can make sure your website is found by the right people. You've made a great website, and you have a great business; why not do everything you can to make sure that you are found?

Targeted Online Advertising Campaigns

While SEO can get you a long way, targeted online advertising campaigns are another essential way to establish your online presence and find potential customers. Google AdWords and Facebook advertising are both good starting points for online advertising. Find out where potential customers are online and what their interests are, and make sure your ads are there.

Defined Goals and Measurements of Success

You must be aware of what you want your website to accomplish in order to determine if it is a success. Ongoing goals and measurements keep you on track and guide your content, social media, and advertising efforts. Good goals establish a specific, measurable, and attainable action, as well as a timeline for accomplishing that action.

5 Simple SEO Tricks

This article contains 5 simple SEO tricks you will find very helpful by using them to gain search engine recognition. You have to develop a good SEO strategy which is very essential to the success of your website or blog.

1. Always use ethical SEO techniques. You can learn about what is ethical and what isn't just by reading the terms and conditions of different search engines. These methods include false redirection links, hiding content on your site or using fake pages designed to draw traffic to your site. These unethical techniques are very efficient but will be the reason your site is banned. Once search engines see that you're using unethical methods to get more traffic to your site.

2. Writing quality content. Providing your audience with helpful articles and tips will get them to visit your site more often and share your content with more people. You will get more visits and your site's rank will increase in search results because of its popularity. The organic SEO technique is the most efficient way to get your site to rank higher in search results. You should always do your best to create quality content for your audience and develop an ethical SEO campaign as well.

3. Your site should be organized in a logical way. Your visitors should be able to find the information they are looking for easily if you use a detailed menu and a search bar. Use descriptive titles for your articles and have an archive for your old articles. Use site-wide links to draw attention to your most important pages, make sure all your pages and articles are easy to access by using links within your content. Creating an XML site map of your website is important so that search engine spiders can navigate your site more easily.

4. Find five strong keywords that relate to your products. Google AdWords and similar tools should be used to learn more about search volumes and which words your competitors are using the most. If you have different sections on your site, choose five primary keywords and some secondary ones too. Optimize your site with keywords by placing them in your titles, the anchor text of your links, your meta tags, meta description and the alt tags of your images. Try to avoid choosing keywords your competition are already using.

5. Try to get some back-links to your content on different websites your readers may visit. Write good quality articles and generate your own back-links by sharing them on article directories, online encyclopedias and social networks. Some other webmasters and bloggers will feature your content and share links to your site if you create partnerships or simply create content that is useful for their audience. Don't waste time posting hundreds of links on message boards or commenting on blogs. One way to draw traffic with back-links is to get a small number of back-links featured on pages your audience will see. Make sure all your back-links are optimized with keywords you have used on your site.

Keep track of your results and focus on the strategies and techniques that seem to work best. Use these 5 simple SEO tricks to develop your efficient site improvement strategy.

Monday, December 3, 2012

Google AdSense and Three Ways To Do Keyword Research to Make Money Online

To make money online you will need to think of the big picture. What most people forget is that by only thinking of the big picture or general things, the details are left on the sidelines. This can affect your "bottom line" or your Google AdSense revenue.

One of the ways that more "advanced" website owners build their business, beyond linking and working on their business more hours than others, is by keyword research. There are simple ways of keyword research all of them are easy to do and for the most part produce the same effect for their work as the other options.

Below is a list of three things you can do to make keyword research a part of your business.

1) Do a search engine keyword research: For example, people who search the Internet a lot will find that certain websites come up based upon the search terms that they have typed in the "search bar." You job then are to be aware of your own search choices and see what comes up based upon what you type into Google or MSN's Bing, or on Yahoo.

If you believe that there is potential to use a certain keyword in your business, then you should use it the chances of making money based upon a keyword is higher than by simply "writing what you feel"

2) Search Engine research and Keyword Tools: This is more advanced and as effective but is far less time-consuming than search engine keyword research. Here you use the keyword research tool, from Google AdWords, to determine what the best keywords are found for your website or blog.

The key here is balance, you want to have traffic, but you also do not want to have a competitive keyword term so that you do not get traffic. Choosing a keyword, which does not get much search engine "searches," is a bad thing as well. Look for balance in your choice of keywords.

3) Keyword Research and a Linking Strategy: Using both these will help you profit on your Google AdSense clicks. The reason is simple, if you choose a good keyword, not high paying, but not low paying and build links often the following will happen.

Your links will grow over time and more traffic will come your way, and two the types of ads that are found will be closer to your websites topic. Understand that not everyone makes money with AdSense, and that you need to think long-term. This is all about increasing traffic and building links is one way to increase traffic, which in turn will make you money with Google AdSense.

Why You Are Having Problems With Your Earnings   5 Tips To Improve Your Google AdSense Click Through Rate (CTR)   PPC Campaign Management Tips for Beginners   Buy Google AdSense Account: Ads by Google   Using All Of Your AdSenses   

How To Make AdSense More Effective

AdSense was hailed as the savior of the internet world when it first became established as a significant force in internet advertising. Up until then, most internet advertising had really been fairly large banner adverts at the top and side of pages, which were often fairly large, and more likely to put you off the product than endear you to it. AdSense was a model that really worked. It was unobtrusive in the way that banners weren't and seemed to work for both website owners and companies.the advantage for website owners, was that virtually anyone with a website could use AdSense, with a few exceptions, and it was relatively easy to install on a site. From a company's point of view, it was very effective, because it was specifically targeted and the company would only pay for the ads when the client clicked through on them, which made them very specific and focused, and cost effective.

Since then, AdSense has to a degree been a mixed blessing.many people have tried to use it and have made money, others have just given up because the reality of making money through it has not proved as simple as the process itself is. There seem to be two main things that affect the financial success of AdSense. Firstly is that it seems to work best with products than anything else. People seem more likely to click on ads where they are looking for a product, rather than a specific service.This makes a lot of sense.There is no risk from a customers point of view. They probably know what they're looking for and are trying to get the best price or service they can for the product, so an ad will fit better into that model. The other thing that makes a real difference to the effectiveness of AdSense, is where on the page you place the ad. Google even produce their own guide to where best places on a site are, which they call a Heatmap. This is invaluable, because it gives you a very clear guide as to generally speaking, what works and what doesn't. AdSense can be frustrating because it seems that it should be easier to make money from it, than it actually is! - actually, that is more of an issue about work ethics, than Google.

Good Luck

Why You Are Having Problems With Your Earnings   5 Tips To Improve Your Google AdSense Click Through Rate (CTR)   PPC Campaign Management Tips for Beginners   How Much Can You Make With AdSense?   Content Means Money   

Recognition of Suspicious Pay Per Click Program

People like do the easy job to get money and one of the easy jobs most people think of is the internet business. Why do people perceive the internet job is easy job? Most of them did not realize the real of what actually happened behind it. They search the information how to get money with the little effort. With the increasing of internet user year by year and the marketing strategy, it is highly to attract people to join them. However, not all of them providing this service is genuine, there were some take this opportunity for their sake. Thus, there is where the suspicious Pay Per Click program on the net arises.

Suspicious Pay Per Click Program is a program in which promised to pay out money, but they have the option that they might or might not pay out the money. However they have strong valid reason of not pay out money to the participants. Most of people all out the world have been victim by this program.

One of the trick is behind the threshold limit. Most participants do not aware of this trick and most of the PPC provider does not provide payment or transferring money through instant bank. The payment method should be easy and do not take too long. Today you entitled for payment, tomorrow the payment should go process to your instant bank. The payment should be done easily and quickly. If you got only $30 and entitled for payment after going through verification process, then you deserved to withdraw the amount to your instant bank account without need to wait too long.

However most of them do not provide this service instead they imposed threshold payment method. Threshold where your earnings reach certain amount of limit then you can withdraw your money from their system to your account. Threshold method is complicated which normally take time to reach them. They used threshold method because it make sense and convince user to join them. Yes who bother to send you a check if only $30. Yes, it is make sense right? But don't you think that they as provider already got that money from your work, and you as participant however must wait until you reached the threshold to entitle for the payment. Although there were only in small amount, but not only you were joined the program, there were thousands or might be millions joined the program and faced the same situation as you. So they might be used any earnings below the threshold for their sake. So it is also can be a suspicious Pay Per Click program.

There are a lot of factors that contribute to this issue. To attract user to come to their site is one of them. Providing such programs that pay out money to the participant, absolutely able to attract user to come to their site, read the information and lastly participate in the program. They put some proof and showing successful participants who got the payment. Anyone can do that actually. So be careful because they just like to get traffic to their site by providing the program. This is easily to catch and can be categorized as totally SCAM.

Some of them offered to join for free without any cost. Some of them charge with little fee to join the program. Both tricks are the same, promising to pay out money to their participant. This trick is very difficult to catch them as they have the right such as stated a policy and T.O.S. but the agreement look like they are God. If there were no win-win situation in their policy and T.O.S, then please be careful to join them. As you might be trap with their policy and T.O.S. So it is suspicious and risky Pay Per Click program.

Another trick that is very difficult to catch out is the situation where they paid to only some of their participant, while the others do not. The fact is payment is happened, thus they provide a valid service. These participants whose get the payment will defend and said the program is truly paid out money. Thus anyone who wants to join, they can do so. However they must take the risk. This is also suspicious Pay Per Click program.

Why You Are Having Problems With Your Earnings   5 Tips To Improve Your Google AdSense Click Through Rate (CTR)   PPC Campaign Management Tips for Beginners   AdSense Earnings Can Really Pile Up   

How to Escape From Getting Banned From Google AdSense Program

Make sure to read first the AdSense Terms and Conditions and Program Policies thoroughly and comply with them at all times; Google is very fanatical about its guidelines, it is absolutely very critical that you always comply at all times with every AdSense term and condition and policy to avoid having your AdSense account closed down by Google.

Don't assume you know anything when you are new to AdSense program. Always make sure that you have the correct tools to use. Always optimize your sites and web pages, focus on your website keywords that has top paying keywords Don't click you own AdSense ads doing so will quickly banned you from Google AdSense. If you have told your friends and family that you join the AdSense ask your friends or family not to click your AdSense ads - clicking your ads will get banned. Always update your website with new fresh content so that it will get indexed by search engine and you get more traffic into your sites. If you run out of topics make sure that you don't post duplicate topics, posting duplicate topics will hurt your Google page ranking and you will loose traffic if your page ranking drops. Search for blogs or website that are already successful in operating AdSense and apply some of their idea to your website that will make your website look more professional and attracts readers. Don't post violence and drugs and adult content to your website - doing so you are risking of getting banned from AdSense.

Visit http://www.techatli.com for more reading on this article.

Why You Are Having Problems With Your Earnings   5 Tips To Improve Your Google AdSense Click Through Rate (CTR)   PPC Campaign Management Tips for Beginners   Buy Google AdSense Account: Ads by Google   Using All Of Your AdSenses   Does Google AdSense Really Work?   

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